There are a number of ways to identify and repair broken links on your website. You can use the broken link checker, which displays a report of all broken links on your website, or you can manually scan individual pages of your site. Both methods will return a list of broken links, which you can then fix or replace. Broken links can be both internal and external. To fix internal ones, click on the “Inlinks” tab to view the source URLs.
While webmasters and website owners might be aware of broken links, visitors to their websites may not know they’re there. They may simply think the problem lies with them, but in reality, the broken link is yours. Likewise, visitors using mobile devices may not be able to identify broken links, so they might move on to another website. Regardless of the cause, fixing broken links is critical to the health of your website.
A simple way to identify broken links on a website is to use a free tool like Sitechecker. It uses a page title to detect broken links, and the free version can be used by anyone who wants to check their website. Once you log in to your Google Analytics account, you can browse through the content and all pages on your website. You’ll find the page titles of 404 pages. Once you’ve found the page titles, you can simply enter them into the search box and the tool will generate a list of links.