The get_template_part() function is a useful tool for jQuery developers. It lets you specify how specific the template files should be. The method is similar to CSS selectors, so designers should start by specifying the bare minimum specificity and then override it in individual parts of their design. However, if you have a very large site, you might want to use the require_once() method.
Unlike require() or include(), the get_template_part() function is a little different. It lets you use the template part without causing any PHP warnings or errors. But, the downside is that it isn’t WordPress’ way of doing things. Additionally, the default PHP function does not have two arguments with fallbacks, so it might break if you move a file or if the file does not contain an expect fallback.
A good example of a custom template part is a WordPress plugin called WooCommerce. It’s named wc_get_template_part (‘content,’) and is located in the woocommerce plugin’s templates subfolder. It’s also possible to override the templates in a child theme, which uses the content_product template. Once you’ve overridden the template, you can change it in the active child theme.