When you have a WordPress blog, you may want to disable WPS Hide Login. This plugin makes it harder for your visitors to log in to your site. Its custom login URL prevents your visitors from logging in to your site. To fix this problem, you can deactivate the plugin and restore your site’s default login page. To do this, you need to access your cPanel or an FTP client and connect to your WordPress blog. You will need to create a FTP account first. Once you’re connected to your FTP server, locate the WPS Hide Login plugin in the /wp-content/plugins directory and delete it.
Installing WPS Hide Login is easy. All you need to do is visit the plugin’s dashboard and click the Add New button. Next, click the WPS Hide Login plugin and enable it. This plugin can be found on the official WordPress plugin repository. You can then change the login page URL. The new URL should contain your website’s domain name, and you’ll have a hidden login page. Then, go back to the settings menu and make any necessary changes.
When you install WP Hide Login, you should change the default admin login URL to something else. For example, if you’re using a child theme, you can hide the backend features with iThemes. This plugin offers many security features and allows you to change the admin login address. It’s also possible to hide the login page entirely. After you’ve changed the default login address, you should change the password for a safe and secure login.