WordPress Functions – Get_Terms and Get_Taxonomy


To retrieve a list of terms, use the get_terms() function. The function produces a query that will be stored in the object cache. The terms will be stored in an array. The number of terms found will be returned in a second parameter. The name and description parameters may be empty. However, these parameters are not necessary. This function will only return the terms that are not empty. When you use this function, you will get an array of term objects.

In WordPress 4.6.0, the get_terms() function also has a parameter called $term_query. This parameter contains a string or an array of terms that were found in the query. The $taxonomies parameter will be an array of taxonomies that are already known in the site. In the previous versions, get_terms() returned a single term. However, if you want to display more terms, use get_terms() instead.

To get all the taxonomy terms, use the get_terms function. You can pass the terms in the form’s Args field. This will return the first level of nesting. You can also pass parameters to filter the returned terms, such as the parent category. You’ll get all the terms that contain the term id. For example, you can use the parameter child_of to get the list of posts that contain the specified taxonomy term.

In WordPress, you can use get_terms to obtain the name of a specific taxonomy. This is a convenient way to display your taxonomy terms. After you install the plugin, you’ll receive a widget for the taxonomy terms. Besides displaying the list of terms, you can also use get_taxonomy to search the terms in your site. This widget is great for displaying information on your site’s sidebar.